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My One Night In Deep Siberian Jungle

” My one night in a deep Siberian Jungle ” is my story when I was 21 years old. I can’t forget those cold days when it was winter arrived in Russia and it was very cold outside, we rarely used to get out of the home and mostly stay in a house making ourselves warmer with artificial bonfire inside our houses.

Siberia Jungle
My One Night In A Deep Siberian Jungle

I was an art student and was living in Moscow. It was the time of November and we have an industrial visit from school in a company in Siberia territory.

We all friends were so excited to visit Siberia as we have heard so many stories from grannies about ghosts and witches in Siberian jungles.
We when leaving Moscow was all very excited but due to jaw chilling winter, we want to reach the guest house in Siberian outskirts as early as possible. We halted at some stations for food and rest and again we leave for our destination.
Total Seven buses are a boarding a maximum of 490 Students to industrial visit from School. We have a very supportive school staff with us. We move from one city to another having temperature in a minus degree outside. But all the preventive measures are taken very carefully in advance.
Now here the real story starts, when we reached the hotel accompanied by the School itself, it was around 7 in the evening with not a single living beings are seen outside. Roads are empty, the only police van is patrolling, rest all citizens are like have left the earth, so much peace was there at the hotel.

We have dinner around 8 pm in the night and we all are very sleepy due to the cold weather and tiresome bus journey. Our visit to the company was at 11:00 am in the morning the next day.

My One Night In A Deep Siberian Jungle
My One Night In A Deep Siberian Jungle
My One Night In A Deep Siberian Jungle

We had food at the hotel and my roommate was so adventurous about the next day’s visit. But now we are feeling sleepy and want to go to bed.

We talked about school in our room and then have decided to go to sleep. It was around 3;15 am at night. I got to hear some voice from the window near my bed and I woke up suddenly with sweat and a jittery body. At first thought, I thought maybe it was some jungle animals but the case was totally different.
I was very curious and tried friend to wake up but he fell deep asleep. Now I have gathered all the courage to move outside in teeth jittering cold with covered with jackets, mufflers, and boots . I was so afraid and curious at the same time.
Now as approaches towards the lane behind the hotel, it was a complete dark woods and I slowly moving towards inside got almost into the Siberian jungle where I saw one bonfire with some people sitting around drinking coffee like stuff. Now I just dared to go to them, they are all not surprised and asked me to join them.
They told me different stories about this jungles and warn me to go back to the hotel after having a cup of coffee, I was told that if they were not here, you may get lost, they considered lucky me to find them otherwise anything can happen there, one of them came with me to the hotel i.e I can reach the hotel with protection.
It was a very strange experience for me and next day I told all the stuff to the manager of the hotel, he was local and told me the people you met at night are Angels or Spirits who help people who lost in the jungle, but not all are helped by them, you were extremely lucky to rescued by them. After listening to the manager’s conversation I got afraid as well I was happy…
So friends, if you had any such experience in past please don’t forget to comment or write your own story…
 My one night in a deep Siberian Jungle 🙋💃👯✌

One Stormy Cold Night : That Night That Gave me Scares

One Stormy Cold night is an incident about my friend. Let’s read the whole incident in his own words..I was late for my home waiting for my bus to pick me up. The weather had suddenly changed since evening and I don’t have my cold weather jacket and muffler with me.

I was working at McDonald’s in Newyork City. The shop was just closed and all my work colleagues had got on their bus. I am living in a village 50 km away from Newyork City.

I don’t have any job at that time. So I decided to join this job and was a good employee .Now as the night approaches, Mcdonalds shutter is down. I am with my best friend Kittalmo is waiting for Bus to arrive.

Kittalmo father’s arrived to pick him up. He told me to stay his house for a night until the weather got cool down. But I told him no, that I will get my bus in 15 minutes and then it’s all done for me.

Now all of them are gone to their respective homes. The street was empty as all the human beings gone to their shelter only a few homeless and street dogs were roaming on street. Finally they also had taken shelter in their huts.

I was a little worried as it almost 15 minutes gone. The bus has not till arrived.It was a very cold night. I am very hungry as it is already 5 hours since I grabbed a bite.

I want my dinner but bus is still not arrived.The police patrol was roaming near me and asked me for help. But I replied that I am ok and bus will arrive soon. To my surprise, bus arrived. I had taken a heavy breathe and enter the bus with a sigh.

Now only 5 people were there I the Bus who lived in towns before my Stop, or you can say my town was the last Stop for the Bus.We now left Newyork City and was in the outer area of Newyork and the Bus got stopped due to an engine problem.


Where One Stormy Cold Night Begins:-

While the weather become harsher and the place it gets stopped is very dark and haunted.We decided to stay in the Bus but Driver and the conductor told us not to worry they will manage the problem and soon they will leave for the village.

The Driver is trying to fuel the engine with oil but the radiator doesn’t respond and we got stuck in that position and we all 3 working people are very worried as the storm getting bigger and temperature is going below zero degree Celsius and we are without any jackets and mufflers to stand against this kind of worst weather.

To our surprise conductor told us Bus is ready to run. We got relief as the heater in the Bus starts and give us some warmth till we reach our home. Now all the doors of the bus were closed and slowly we are reaching towards our home one by one.

All the passengers had left and it was almost halfway down to my village and again the Bus Stopped due to trees fall down in our way.We move outside and 3 of us moved outside.

I gave an idea to put the rope on the tree head side and move the bus back which was ultimately was a successful idea.Now again we started our journey and finally, I reached my village where my wife and daughter is waiting for me in anxiety and they got relief too.

I with my family ate dinner at 11 at night. We closed all the windows and run the heater to get some warmth and good sleep. That was a terrible night. So I can’t resist myself and desperately wants to share the experience with you. I hope you loved my One stormy Cold Night.

My Coffee In London On One Rainy Day

The year was 1987 & I still remember that coffee in London. It was a Friday afternoon. It was half-day at the job & I am returning back home. It was around 2:30 pm and a bit of drizzle in the atmosphere with a temperature less than 4 degrees Celsius. The afternoon was quite dark as it felt like an evening in the afternoon. 


london ,rainy day, coffee , united kingdom , romance , love story , my love story

Coffee In London On One Rainy Day: My Romantic Memories

Coffee In London On One Rainy Day: My Romantic Memories

I took a bus home. The bus drops me at the stand near my house. It was a walking distance of 2 km from the bus stand. I was in my 30s single & bachelor. I was quite a romantic man all of my life but haven’t been fortunate to have a girlfriend. Also, you can say doesn’t I haven’t find one of my types.

My Struggle:

There was a coffee shop near my house, where I often avoid having Coffee. But don’t know, on that day, I am feeling very cold & decided to have one cup of coffee there in the cold afternoon.

It was a nice ambiance in the coffee shop. Hotel California is the song playing in the coffee shop and also, it was one of my favorite songs. I used to listen to it in my school days. After some time there arrived a beautiful girl of around age 23-25 in the Coffee Shop with an Umbrella.

I was out of my conscience just looked at her & the Lady smiled at me. But I was a bit hesitant to give her back a smile. To my surprise, she comes to me and asked my permission to join the table. And how can I say no to such a gorgeous beautiful girl? And, one thing is guaranteed, that girl is every man’s dream. So I stand and give her a chair with all the respect.

That Dark Cold Afternoon:

She ordered a Sandwich and Coffee for her and asked me to. But I insist to her that I will pay her bills, she had a naughty smile on her face and she started looking downwards with a smile. A few minutes later our order was at our table. She asked me about life and don’t know why I like a parrot started uttering everything about me. Also, I told her I am single and had no girlfriend till now. To this, she laughs and I feel embarrassed.

But to my surprise, she started appreciating my way of talking and the respect I had given her. we sit there for an hour and exchange numbers.

On the way home I was only thinking about that girl. And, even when I closed my eyes. I see her face. I don’t know why but I want to meet her again but can’t have the courage to call her.

As another week of the rainy season continued, the sky is almost dark with a slight drizzle and just reached the bus stand at 2:45 on that day and moving towards the coffee shop with the hope to meet her again. And again, I decided to have a coffee again at the same coffee shop. I had just ordered the coffee and to my surprise, she enters the coffee shop again.

She recognized me and she had placed the same order again. I am thinking in my mind, where to start the talk. But this time she becomes more friendly and finally, I had decided to ask her for dinner. And, the way talks are happening between us, I am not surprised, she replied in affirmative to my dinner offer.

Mission Accomplished:

We met at dinner in a nice restaurant that night. We had talked about various matters like our family, job and friends. Between our chat, there came a time, when  I proposed to her for marriage. At first, she was she hesitated for a few seconds. Further, she looked left and right and accepted my proposal.

Guys, She is my wife today and it is my sweet love story.